Designer Dog Breed - Meet The Roodle
Designer Dog Breed - Meet The Roodle Celebrities like Paris Hilton may carry their dogs in their Gucci handbags, accessorized to the glittering collar. But the recent trend in designer dogs seems to suggest that everyday people are catching this unfortunate trend. Instead of simply buying diamante collars, however, people are demanding cross bred dogs with catchy marketing names. We've had the Spoodle, the Groodle, the Labradoodle, the Spanador , the Cavador, and the Retrievador. Now folks, meet the Roodle. The roodle is a cross between a poodle and a rottweiler. They are the successful creation of a breeder from Melbourne, Australia. Fred Freeman has successfully bred 3 litters of roodles, some going as far afield as Hawaii. Roodles have the crinkly coat of a poodle, but larger. They are quite stocky, and fairly big, with long floppy ears. Mr Freeman describes the dogs as having the intelligence of a rottweiler, yet docile and easy to train. His roodles are also non aggressive, d...